
Titles Collection20070807

选自New York Times的网站,用于英语学习

Bid to Root Out Lead Trinkets Falters in U.S.

Published: August 6, 2007

WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 — Despite a two-year effort to eliminate the threat of poisonous lead in inexpensive children’s jewelry, hundreds of thousands of tainted items are still being sold across the United States, the federal government has found.

Tougher Rules Change Game for Lobbyists

Far-reaching ethics and lobbying rules, recently passed by Congress, have sent a ripple of fear through K Street.

Bridge Collapse Revives Issue of Road Spending


Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota appears to have had a change of heart about raising the state’s gas tax to pay for transportation needs.

Judge Limits Navy Sonar, Citing a Threat to Wildlife

Published: August 7, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6 — A federal judge on Monday ordered the Navy to stop using medium-range sonar in training exercises off Southern California, saying that the Navy’s own assessments predicted that dozens of marine mammals, particularly deep-diving whales, could be harmed by the intense sound waves.
